Prior to the 2021 Federal Election Campaign, I went across Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, both in person and by Zoom, talking to residents and interest groups. I spoke with lake associations, environmental groups, municipal politicians, agricultural associations, social services groups, economic development commissions, citizen’s groups and so many more to learn about the issues that matter to residents of our riding.
Environmental protection, affordable and reliable internet, the need for abattoirs, protecting farmland and the establishment of food hubs, as well as affordable housing, support for small businesses and the tourism industry, support for our seniors to age well in their own homes, more family doctors, assistance with municipal infrastructure and climate resiliency were just some of the needs expressed during my travels.
However, as time ticks by, the urgency of issues change, as do priorities – and even electoral districts! It is important that I understand and appreciate the issues that are top of mind for people in Lanark–Frontenac in 2024.
Please assist me by completing this survey, which is a great way to have your voice heard. Please note that all responses are anonymous and no personal identification information is requested or collected. Your time and assistance are greatly appreciated!
As priorities are identified, we will update this page to identify the issues we are hearing are top of mind to residents in Lanark–Frontenac. Should the survey questions not adequately reflect your concerns, please do not hesitate to send us an email to

“I am pleased to endorse the nomination of Michelle Foxton as the candidate in the Riding of Lanark Frontenac Kingston. She is an experienced politician who understands the realities of rural and suburban communities and how young families balance family life, raising two children while two parents’ work. Living the life experience is the best way to understand, empathize and represent our community in Federal Parliament.”
– Richard Schooley
Retired Principal of a 60-member insurance, risk management, and financial planning business