Priorities & Solutions
Priorities: Listening to You
Prior to the 2021 Federal Election Campaign, I criss-crossed Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston, both in person and by Zoom, talking to residents and interest groups. I spoke with lake associations, environmental groups, municipal politicians, agricultural associations, social services groups, economic development commissions, citizen’s groups and so many more to learn about the issues that matter to residents of our riding.
However, as time ticks by, the urgency of issues change, as do priorities – and even electoral districts. It is important that I understand and appreciate the issues that are top of mind for people in Lanark–Frontenac in 2025.
Please assist me by completing this survey, which is a great way to have your voice heard. Please note that all responses are anonymous and no personal identification information is requested or collected. Your time and assistance are greatly appreciated!
As priorities are identified, we will update this page to identify the issues we are hearing are top of mind to residents in Lanark–Frontenac. Should the survey questions not adequately reflect your concerns, please do not hesitate to send us an email to or use the Contact Team Foxton Form

Solutions: Fighting For You
1. Canada’s Sovereignty is Sacred
Defending Canada means more than protecting our borders—it means standing up for our independence, strengthening our national security, and ensuring we never become reliant on foreign powers to defend our interests. True sovereignty means being prepared.
For too long, Canada has underinvested in its military and defense industry, relying on outdated systems and foreign supply chains. That needs to change. We need to ensure that Canada has the resources and capabilities to protect itself, keep the peace, and contribute meaningfully to global stability.
A strong, independent Canada means:
• Investing in our military to ensure our troops have the modern equipment and resources they need to protect our borders, the Arctic, and our national interests
• Building a domestic defense industry so we are not dependent on other nations for critical military supplies, technology, and infrastructure
• Ensuring national security starts at the top—leaders in government must have proper security clearances and put Canada’s interests ahead of corporate or foreign ties
• Strengthening our alliances with like-minded democratic nations to ensure we can meet global challenges with strong, cooperative leadership
• Supporting our veterans by ensuring they have access to services, career opportunities, and the respect they deserve when they transition back into civilian life
At a time when global instability is growing and foreign interference is a real threat, Canada must be proactive, not reactive. Our sovereignty is not just about military strength—it’s about economic independence, leadership integrity, and the ability to make decisions free from outside influence.
As your MP, I will fight for a Canada that is strong, secure, and sovereign.
2. Easing the Financial Squeeze in Lanark–Frontenac: Building a Fair Economy for Everyone
Families, seniors, and small business owners in Lanark-Frontenac are feeling the squeeze. From the rising cost of groceries to unaffordable housing, stagnant wages, and higher borrowing costs, people are struggling to make ends meet.
The cost of inaction is too high, and urgent action is needed to ensure rural communities don’t get left behind.
As your MP, I will fight for real savings and meaningful solutions—not slogans or political games. That means:
• Standing up to corporate greed by taking on big grocers and unfair pricing practices that are driving up food costs
• Pushing for tax relief to ensure working families keep more of their hard-earned money
• Capping predatory credit card interest rates so people aren’t trapped in cycles of debt
• Investing in rural child care spaces to give families more affordable options close to home
• Accelerating housing development to ensure that young families, seniors, and workers in our community have a place to call home.
People in Lanark-Frontenac deserve a government that puts their financial well-being first. I will work across party lines and all levels of government to deliver real, lasting relief for our communities.
IDEAS, after listening to voters across Lanark-Frontenac include:
Expand the Current Tax Brackets
• We have heard from many small business owners that they are having a difficult time getting people to work over-time because their employees feel they will loose more than they make to taxes
• While the purchasing power of the amount people make has decreased significantly, the taxes they pay on those same dollars have not
• An idea would be to expand income tax brackets to better account for the reduced buying capacity of those same dollars – no tax should be charged on any amount below the poverty line and subsequent tax brackets should be expanded to better distribute wealth and allow citizens to work additional hours without fear of losing their additional income to taxes
Increased LCGE for Farmers
• Farm families have raised concerns regarding the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption (LCGE) for farmers. Due to increased land value, farm sales are netting significantly more capital gains liability
• In order to use the capital gains provisions they must convey to family, who often are taking out loans just to cover the tax consequences for their parents, leaving little actual capital in the parents’ hands for retirement
• An increase in the LCGE would send a message that Canada values our farmers and the food security they provide
Maximum CPP Pension for Farmers
• Another way to recognize farmers’ contributions to Canada’s food security would be to permit them and their spouse to draw the maximum CPP pension if they have exclusively farmed for a certain number of years
• Due to the ups and downs of farming many farmers in our riding say they haven’t made the maximum contribution amount on a regular basis
• Tying the maximum CPP pension that farmers and their spouses receive to their years of exclusive farming instead of their contributions would send a message that Canada values the societal contribution farmers make to keeping the population fed and could entice new people to consider farming as a viable career path
Right to Repair Legislation
• Enforce the Right to Repair so families, farmers, and small businesses can fix their own equipment, electronics, and appliances without being forced into expensive, manufacturer-controlled repairs. This will save money, reduce waste, and keep local repair businesses thriving
• Support farmers’ ability to repair their own machinery by pushing for legislation that prevents big manufacturers from restricting access to essential parts, tools, and software. No farmer should be locked out of fixing their own tractor or equipment
• Reduce waste and environmental costs by keeping products in use longer, cutting down on unnecessary replacements, and ensuring affordable access to repairs for everyone in Lanark-Frontenac
3. A Housing Plan for Lanark–Frontenac: Keeping Our Communities Strong
Everyone deserves a safe, affordable place to call home—whether you’re a young family putting down roots, a senior looking to stay close to loved ones, or a worker hoping to live in the same community where you earn a living. But in Lanark-Frontenac, finding housing is harder than ever. Rising rents, a lack of available homes, and barriers to building new housing are making it difficult for people to stay in the communities they love.
For too long, rural areas have been left out of housing policy conversations. The challenges we face in small towns and rural communities are different from those in cities, yet the housing crisis doesn’t stop at urban borders. We need solutions that work for rural Ontario.
That means:
• Unlocking more housing supply by making it less attractive for large companies to own large amounts of rental housing, incentivizing smaller single family houses and ensuring the federal government supports rural municipalities to improve efficient and sustainable approval processes
• Continuing to invest in infrastructure that allows housing projects to move forward—like water, roads, and transit—to make development more viable outside major cities
• Ensuring affordable housing solutions are built with rural communities in mind, so seniors can downsize in their hometowns and families can afford to stay where they grew up
• Supporting renters with real protections and programs that make homeownership more accessible
• Housing shouldn’t be a privilege—it’s a basic need. As your MP, I will fight for a Team Canada approach to housing, bringing all levels of government together to make sure rural Ontario is part of the solution
A strong future for Lanark-Frontenac starts with making sure people can afford to live here
IDEAS, after listening to voters across Lanark-Frontenac include:
• Incentivize smaller building sizes for new energy-efficient, low-cost development.
• Continue to incentivize self-contained secondary suites in larger homes in combination with investing in home care services
• Work with municipalities to create rural housing innovation zones where per-approved low-cost modular homes are fast tracked
• Invest in groundwater mapping for rural areas
• Provide rebates for class 4 sewage systems
• Incentivize renovation of old schools, churches or commercial buildings into affordable rural apartments
• Provide grants for existing services hook-ups where infilling is encouraged by municipalities
4. Healthy Aging at Home: Dignity, Support, and Independence
Everyone deserves to age with dignity in the communities they love. Yet for too many seniors in Lanark-Frontenac, staying in their own homes has become a challenge due to gaps in home care, a shortage of family doctors, and a lack of mental health and community supports. The reality is that investing in home care and preventative health services not only improves quality of life but also saves money by reducing hospital stays and long-term care admissions.
Aging at home should be a realistic and affordable option for every senior who wishes to remain independent. That means:
• Expanding access to quality home care and palliative care, ensuring seniors receive the medical, personal, and emotional support they need without being forced into institutional care
• Improving access to family doctors and support teams, including specialists, nurses, and physiotherapists, to manage chronic conditions and prevent medical emergencies
• Strengthening mental health supports for seniors facing isolation, grief, or cognitive decline, including programs that promote social connection and community engagement
• Supporting caregivers with financial assistance, respite care, and training opportunities to help families keep their loved ones at home without undue financial or emotional strain
• Aging shouldn’t mean losing independence. As your MP, I will fight for policies that keep people healthier longer, support caregivers, and ensure seniors in Lanark-Frontenac can live with dignity in their own homes and communities
IDEAS, after listening to voters across Lanark-Frontenac include:
Volunteer Tax Credit
• Since 2016 Lanark County’s population has grown by 10%. The proportion of seniors in Lanark County is expected to grow to 26% of the population by 2026. Of those with low income 24% are seniors
• Aging in place in rural communities comes with unique challenges. Services such as meals on wheels, food banks, programmed day activities, transportation to appointments etc. are operated by volunteer organizations. When the last of the boomers reach 65 we are expected to experience a critical shortage of volunteers
• By offering a tax credit to volunteers for in kind contributions of their time we could send a message that we value these contributions and our volunteers thus incentivizing a new generation to engage in volunteer work
Unintended Consequences of Seniors Pension Income Splitting
• Perth and Smiths Falls are the two Lanark County municipalities with the highest percentages of seniors living alone, namely 39.5% and 35.2%, respectively. In Lanark County 24% of people with low income are seniors
• Many single, senior Lanark-Frontenac residents have indicated they lose more of their pension benefits to taxes than married seniors who are able to split their pension income
• This means that senior couples who can cost share & split their pension income are in a significantly better position than single seniors in Lanark County, whose circumstances may also be due to the death of a spouse
• We need to address this inequity and level the playing field for single low-income seniors
5. Rural Shouldn’t Mean Remote: Expanding Access in Lanark-Frontenac
Living in a rural community shouldn’t mean struggling to access basic needs and services. Yet in Lanark-Frontenac, too many people are facing unacceptable barriers—whether it’s finding a family doctor, securing reliable transportation, accessing affordable nutritious food or simply getting a strong internet connection to run a business, engage in remote learning or connect with loved ones.
We need real investments in rural infrastructure to ensure that people in small towns and rural areas have the same opportunities as those in urban centers. That means:
• Expanding access to primary healthcare so every resident has a family doctor and timely medical care close to home, including palliative and hospice care
• Investing in public and community-based transportation solutions to better connect our rural communities, helping seniors, workers, and students get where they need to go
• Enhancing access to affordable, nutritious food by supporting the development of local food hubs and cooperatives.
These initiatives can aggregate, distribute, and market locally produced food, ensuring that rural communities have consistent access to quality nutrition. For example, the BC Food Hub Network has successfully strengthened regional food systems by expanding local food processing and increasing economic opportunities
• Expanding reliable broadband access through sustainable, Canadian based infrastructure, like Telesat and by ensuring existing funding commitments are implemented for backbone infrastructure projects so that businesses, students, farmers and remote workers can stay connected and thrive
Rural Canada deserves better. As your MP, I will fight to bridge the gap and ensure that no one in Lanark-Frontenac is left behind just because of where they live.
6. Protecting Our Future: A Climate Plan for Lanark-Frontenac
Climate change isn’t just about the environment—it’s about our way of life, our economy, and the future of our rural communities. From unpredictable growing seasons impacting family farms and extreme weather damaging our roads, homes and businesses to increased premiums making insurance unaffordable, we are already feeling the effects. The cost of inaction will only grow, and rural Ontario must be part of the solution—not an afterthought.
We need a climate plan that works for rural communities, supports farmers and small businesses, strengthens our local economy and makes life affordable. That means:
• Protecting agriculture by supporting farmers in adopting climate-smart practices, improving soil health, and ensuring long-term sustainability for our local food supply
• Investing in rural climate infrastructure, including flood prevention, wildfire mitigation, and upgrades to roads and bridges to withstand extreme weather
• Expanding clean energy solutions that reduce costs for homeowners, businesses, and municipalities—without unfairly burdening rural Canadians
• Strengthening protections for our natural environment, including our forests, wetlands, and waterways, which serve as vital carbon sinks and provide long-term climate resilience
• Ensuring rural voices are heard in national climate policy so that solutions are tailored to the unique challenges and strengths of communities like Lanark-Frontenac
A strong climate plan should be good for your wallet and good for our planet. As your MP, I will fight for policies that make rural Ontario a leader in sustainable innovation, ensuring our communities stay strong, our industries stay competitive, and our children inherit a future we can be proud of.
IDEAS, after listening to voters across Lanark-Frontenac include:
• Incentivize employers and adapt our public service to permit occupations that are conducive to working from home to do so, which will save commute times, benefit the environment and build stable, resilient, family oriented communities that will benefit from a younger population with more time to volunteer
• Increase rebates for heat pumps, electric vehicles (not Tesla), electric bikes and improving energy efficiency of homes
• Take the HST off electric lawn mowers, garden equipment, pressure washers etc.
• Give a rebate for composters and small counter-top composters (methane from landfills accounts for 17% of Canada’s methane emissions and 3% of its greenhouse gas emissions)
• Provide grants for electric buses for rural communities to assist with accessibility
• Incentivize school bus companies to switch to electric buses
• Create more spaces for farmer’s markets to incentivize buying local
• Provide tax breaks for leasing farm land
• Invest in shared use commercial kitchens and processing facilities
• Introduce tiered processing regulations that consider scale and risk level of operations rather than imposing industrial scale, one-size fits all, compliance (similar to Quebec’s “Permis Restreint” model that allows smaller producers to process animals for direct sale to consumers under simplified provincial oversight)
• Permit mobile abattoirs
7. Resiliency Is Our Middle Name: Strengthening Lanark-Frontenac for the Future
Lanark-Frontenac is built on resilience. From our hardworking farmers and small business owners to our first responders and frontline workers, we know how to adapt, persevere, and rebuild. But with the increasing impacts of climate change—more extreme weather, unpredictable flooding, and aging infrastructure—we need a plan that protects our communities, strengthens our environment, and builds a more resilient future.
Since 2015, over $22 million in federal funding has been invested in Lanark-Frontenac’s infrastructure, including water systems, roads, and bridges. But we must do more to ensure that these investments prepare us for the challenges ahead. That means:
• Expanding infrastructure investments to protect against climate-related disasters, including flooding, droughts, and extreme weather
• Strengthening partnerships with Indigenous communities to integrate traditional ecological knowledge into our conservation efforts and land management strategies
• Protecting our biospheres and waterways, including the Frontenac Arch Biosphere, our lakes, rivers, and wetlands, which are critical to biodiversity, tourism, and our local economy
• Investing in sustainable infrastructure, ensuring new developments are built with climate resilience in mind—from energy-efficient buildings to reinforced roads and bridges
• Supporting farmers, foresters, and rural industries by investing in innovative technology and adopting climate-smart practices that help preserve our working lands while strengthening our local food supply
Resiliency is not just about bouncing back—it’s about building a stronger, more prepared community that thrives in the face of change. As your MP, I will fight for bold, forward-thinking investments that ensure Lanark-Frontenac remains a vibrant, sustainable, and resilient place to live for generations to come.
8. Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in Lanark-Frontenac: A Community Commitment
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a pressing issue that affects communities nationwide, and Lanark-Frontenac is no exception. Recent data indicates that women in remote areas experience IPV at rates over four times higher than those in accessible regions. This alarming statistic underscores the urgent need to recognize IPV as an epidemic and for comprehensive, community-driven solutions to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents.
To effectively combat IPV in our community, we must demand parliament recognize IPV as an epidemic and focus on the following strategies:
• Prevention through Education: Implement a national safety strategy that works with provinces to implement educational programs in schools that address healthy relationships, consent, and conflict resolution. Early education can play a pivotal role in changing attitudes and preventing future violence.
• Support for Victims: Increase funding for shelters and emergency response teams to provide immediate assistance to those in crisis. Additionally, expanding access to affordable housing is crucial, as financial dependence often traps victims in abusive situations.
• Enhanced Mental Health Services: Offer accessible mental health support for both victims and perpetrators. Addressing underlying issues such as trauma, substance abuse, and mental health disorders can reduce the incidence of violence.
• Community Collaboration: Foster partnerships between local organizations, law enforcement, healthcare providers, and Indigenous communities to create a unified response to IPV. Collaborative efforts ensure that resources are effectively utilized and that victims receive comprehensive support.
• Implementation of Disclosure Protocols: Advocate for the adoption of national policies similar to “Clare’s Law,” which allow individuals to access information about a partner’s history of violence. Such measures empower potential victims to make informed decisions about their relationships.
Addressing IPV requires a multifaceted approach that combines prevention, support, and systemic change. As your representative, I am committed to championing these initiatives, ensuring that Lanark-Frontenac becomes a safer and more supportive community for everyone.
IDEAS, after listening to voters across Lanark-Frontenac include:
• Amend the Canada Health Act to include mental health services as insured services under medically necessary care, which would force the provinces to provide coverage in order to receive their full funding health transfer payment
Universal Basic Income
• The single most effective way to give people the freedom of mobility and security is with a basic income
• A pilot project in Finland of a Basic Income not tied to any qualifying criteria showed a significant increase in trust in government and institutions
• Our current support programs provide for those with no income, disabilities, seniors and children, however there is little to no assistance for those in the middle, who can work, but are unable to make or sustain a living wage
• Many rural residents would significantly benefit from a universal basic income which would be fed back into local economies
• As Prime Minister, Mark Carney once said, where a country invests says a lot about its values
9. Bringing Parliament to Lanark-Frontenac: A Commitment to Accessible Representation
For too long, residents of Lanark-Frontenac have been left out of the conversation in Ottawa. Representation should be about more than just casting votes in Parliament—it should be about actively listening, engaging, and ensuring that rural voices are heard at the national level.
If elected, I will bring Parliament to you by making government more transparent, more accessible, and more accountable to the people of this riding. That means:
• Hosting at least two annual town halls—one in the north and one in the south of the riding—so residents can ask questions, share concerns, and stay informed about key issues in Ottawa
• Being proactive in reaching out to stakeholders—not waiting for them to come to me. I will regularly consult with farmers, small business owners, municipalities, community organizations, and service providers to ensure their voices shape federal decisions
• Building strong relationships in Ottawa to ensure Lanark-Frontenac’s concerns are heard—not just by the government, but by all parties who have a role to play in rural policy
• Changing the tone of politics by working across party lines, engaging in team-building initiatives with fellow parliamentarians, and fostering a more respectful, solutions-focused discourse
• Providing accessible resources to residents by ensuring information about federal programs, grants, and opportunities is easy to find—and proactively reaching out to local organizations when funding programs open that could benefit them
• Making it easier to connect through regular mailers, social media updates, renting public spaces for rotating constituency meeting spots in remote areas and providing 2 permanent constituency offices (one in the north & one in the south, which has been left out for too long) so residents never feel left in the dark about what’s happening in Ottawa
Government should work for the people—not the other way around. As your MP, I will fundamentally change the way representation is done in Lanark-Frontenac, ensuring that you have a strong, accessible, and responsive voice in Ottawa.
10. Elevate Democracy With Electoral Reform
Our democracy works best when every vote counts—but for too many Canadians, especially in rural communities like Lanark-Frontenac, our electoral system just isn’t working. First-past-the-post (FPTP) often leaves entire regions unrepresented, discourages cooperation between parties, and makes voters feel like their voices don’t matter. We need a system that reflects the true will of Canadians.
While no single system is perfect, we must be open to meaningful reform. The House of Commons Special Committee on Electoral Reform tabled their report “Strengthening Democracy in Canada: Principles, Process and Public Engagement for Electoral Reform” on November 28, 2016. Unfortunately, no consensus was arrived at regarding a recommended system to put to voters. However, we cannot give up. The first step to meaningful reform includes a citizens assembly to further explore the best system for Canada. In the meantime, a ranked ballot where the post is defined as 50% +1, could offer a chance for a collaborative approach in rural communities, so that no vote is left behind.
A better electoral system means:
• Ensuring every vote counts—no more wasted votes or distorted election outcomes
• Encouraging collaboration across parties so governments work together on real solutions instead of focusing on division
• Strengthening rural representation so that communities like Lanark-Frontenac have a stronger voice in Parliament
• Exploring a proportional system that balances local accountability with national representation
• Engaging Canadians in the process—ahead of the Federal Liberal Party Convention in 2023, the Lanark-Frontenac Federal Liberal Association passed a resolution supporting a motion at Convention calling for a Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform, to let Canadians decide the best path forward
Electoral reform isn’t about benefiting one party over another—it’s about making our democracy stronger and fairer. It’s about ensuring you have a voice in shaping Canada’s future.
As your MP, I will fight for a better, fairer, more representative voting system—one that respects rural voices, encourages cooperation, and ensures that your vote truly matters.